Puppy & Kitten Wellness
Puppy and Kitten visits are certainly the cutest visits we see at Fisher Animal Hospital but they are also crucial to getting your new friend off to a healthy start. During your puppy and kitten visits our staff will take time to discuss many aspects of pet ownership including food selection, behavioral tips and benefits of spaying and neutering pets. Most common concerns owners and veterinarians discuss are flea & tick prevention methods, heartworm prevention and vaccines. Here is what to expect when you're bringing your puppy or kitten in for his first visit:
Puppies & kittens should be seen by your veterinarian within the first week after they arrive at your home. Your new friend needs to be examined for any abnormalities on physical exam. Abnormalities are not common but do occur from time to time. Many congenital defects are detectable at a young age and could progress to severe conditions if not addressed immediately. Many infectious diseases such as mange or parasites can become aggressive in young and weaker pets. At this first visit your veterinarian will review any vaccine and deworming records that you may have received from the breeder or animal shelter. If you don't have any records, don't worry! We can advise you on what your puppy or kitten needs from there on.
Puppies & kittens should be seen by your veterinarian within the first week after they arrive at your home. Your new friend needs to be examined for any abnormalities on physical exam. Abnormalities are not common but do occur from time to time. Many congenital defects are detectable at a young age and could progress to severe conditions if not addressed immediately. Many infectious diseases such as mange or parasites can become aggressive in young and weaker pets. At this first visit your veterinarian will review any vaccine and deworming records that you may have received from the breeder or animal shelter. If you don't have any records, don't worry! We can advise you on what your puppy or kitten needs from there on.
ALL puppies should get vaccinated for infectious disease, especially parvo and distemper approximately once a month from 6 weeks until 16 weeks old. 6 weeks old: DAPP vaccine is recommended to protect your puppy from parvovirus, distemper virus, adenovirus and parainfluenza virus. Puppies will also need to be tested for intestinal parasites. Even if a general dewormer has been given, there are some parasites that may not be visible in the stool and not killed with a general dewormer. While we wait for fecal test results, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam to monitor your puppy as it grows. 9 weeks old: DAPP vaccine booster, intestinal worm test and physical exam just as we recommended for 6 week old puppies. Puppies at this age are now old enough for most flea and tick preventatives and heartworm preventatives! 12 weeks old: Rabies vaccine, Bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine, DAPP vaccine booster, intestinal worm test and physical exam. 16 weeks old: Final DAPP vaccine booster. We will also discuss the best plan and time for spaying or neutering your puppy at this time. |
Kittens should be seen by a veterinarian within a week of arriving at your home for an intestinal parasite check and physical exam. 6 weeks old: Physical exam and intestinal worm test. 8-9 weeks old: FVRCP is recommended to all kittens to protect against feline panleukopenia (feline parvovirus), feline herpesvirus-1 and feline caliciviurs. Intestinal parasite testing or deworming is recommended. 12 weeks old: Rabies vaccine, FVRCP vaccine booster. Intestinal parasite testing or deworming is recommended. 6 months or older: Schedule your cat for a spay or neuter before they reach the first heat cycle. |